The Subtle Energy awareness Programme®

The Subtle Energy Awareness Programme® will provide you with rich insight and understanding that will show you how to improve your life by managing the movement of subtle energy transactions.  Equipping you with easy to apply energy skills, you will find that your every-day living can be improved by simply giving yourself a little time to manage each day better.

This Programme will equip you with knowledge to help you understand energies and energy flows, and the true nature of the human energy field, so that you gain the awareness to self-manage your life activity. It will offer you a way of understanding the invisible and intangible aspects of life which drive potentials and affect our actions.

At the core of the Programme is an understanding of subtle energy elements which will equip you to change your life for the betterment of health, state of mind, emotional balance and spiritual growth. The knowledge on the Programme is unique and exclusive to the field of subtle energy understanding, having been pioneered and developed by Sue Zange, a Specialist in the field of subtle energies.

The information offered on this learning Programme will help you to think and feel differently about your life situations, circumstances and experiences, such that you can enable your own ability to choose and take action to improve your life journey.

The Course is designed in modular format, so is offered to you either over 2 full days of teaching, or a series of 6 evenings or afternoons. Each module is packed full of information and subtle energy knowledge, and will equip you with techniques to manage these energies and become more aware of your energetic state.

On Day 1, you will learn Modules 1-3 of the Programme, which includes:

Learning all about the structure and flow of your energy field and how energies move between people, including:

  • The layers of resonance and the nature of the energy field
  • How natural source energy flows into the field to sustain and maintain your energy
  • The relevance of good 'grounding' and how to achieve that
  • How we receive energies from others, including their emotional energy 'debris' and intent
  • The nature and essence of energies we transmit to others
  • Learn how energy becomes slow or stagnant, causing 'density' in your field
  • What happens on an emotional, mental and physical level when energy 'density' is present
  • The restrictions and limitations created by a 'dense' field of energy
  • The relevance and implications of an imbalanced flowing energy field
  • Learn quick techniques for clearing energy 'debris' out of the field
  • Ways to freshen and lighten our energy
  • Learn about your Core Centre and its vital elements for life stability
  • What you really need to know about 'chakras', and why they need to be clear
  • How to clear emotional 'baggage'
  • Find out how we connect to each other energetically when we are in relationships
  • Understand the energies present in troubled relationships
  • Discover the intricate nature of how we connect in family dynamics and marriage

    The teaching you will receive will be educational and insightful. It is designed to awaken your inner intuitive sense (subtle sense) so that you can live more well and more empowered.

On Day 2, you will learn Modules 4-6 of the Programme, which includes:

Learning a self empowerment process of understanding how you are, and why you are like it. Your energetic state - emotional and mental - produces your life activity. Subtle energy awareness and understanding will equip you to manage, improve and enhance your potentials and prospects. Included in these Modules is:

  • How feelings and emotions reside in the energy field
  • How feelings and emotions reside in the physical body
  • How feelings affect our perspectives, beliefs and ability to create
  • A quick technique to discover your feeling state
  • Learn how to cultivate higher frequencies of energy to lighten your life
  • Discover skills to open the heart and bring love into everyday living
  • The difference between emotional energies and mental energies
  • How to clear and focus the mind for positive creation and intent
  • Explore your hidden beliefs and self-limiting patterns
  • Learn about mental stress and deterioration of mind capability
  • Progressing your 'open heart' living techniques to produce an enjoyable and content life
  • See how higher energies of light can enhance your future and quality of life
  • How to maintain your higher energies and remain embraced in 'light'

  • The training will offer you knowledge and a process of evolvement through applying simple energy exercises and techniques. This is a personal growth and development process, which is unique in its nature, because it deals with the unseen subtle aspects that affect all of us.

Grow your inner knowledge, so you can live the life you choose:

Everyone can benefit from learning about subtle energies and gaining insight into energy transactions and their effects. It is helpful to know how and why things came about, to heal and move on from the past, and to enrich our future potentials.

Subtle energy understanding is particularly useful for all those who may be feeling frustrated, unfulfilled or dissatisfied with life. The knowledge will help you to gain a clearer perspective and to look to the future with more optimism and empowerment.

For all those in emotional difficulty, turmoil or crisis, understanding the energetic nature of feelings, emotions and patterns will help you to self-heal and release.

For those who are stressed, chaotic or over-loaded with life activity, you will come to appreciate the nature of these energetic states and how to manage them and make change.

Overall, the Programme will help you develop more inner power and self-knowledge, so enabling your creativity, inspiration and fulfilment of inner desires.

The Programme content is highly beneficial for all therapists, healers and carers who need to understand energy transference and the elements that influence transformation and healing process.

Everyone benefits in a world where people are self-responsible, creative, inspired, loving, supportive, contributing, direct, clear and enabled. The subtle energies of life dictate the relevance, state and level of all those aspects of good living.

The method and course content of 'The Subtle Energy Awareness Programme'® is copyright protected and all rights reserved - Sue Zange © 2014-2020

The information provided on this site (with the exception of Teacher contact information) has been written and compiled by Sue Zange, and is provided courtesy of Inspirit ~ The Centre for Energy Field Awareness. All rights are reserved.